classic choice (cold)
(please choose ONE of the main items)
Main items
sliced roast turkey breast served with cranberry sauce (cold)
sliced roasted beef with horseradish sauce (cold)
sliced locally baked ham served with English mustard (cold)
Add any extras of the above choices for an additional £2.00 per head
delicately poached scottish salmon fillets served with a hollandaise
sauce (cold) (£4.50 per head extra)
smoked salmon on a bed of rocket with lemon wedges (£3.50 extra per head)
Served with
Free range egg mayonnaise on a bed of crunchy lettuce with paprika garnish
locally made pork pie wedge
home made creamy potato salad
crunchy coleslaw with a luxury mayonnaise
freshly baked white & wholemeal bread rolls with butter portions
fresh mixed salad with a classic french dressing
mixed olives and traditional pickles
(pickled beetroot, sweet pickled onions, cornichons)
this menu is supplied on silver platters with all of the relevant serving equipment
crockery & cutlery hire available
Add a dessert from £3.50 per head – please see dessert menus